Douglas and Gloria…
are long-time, childhood friends of mine. We attended the same school in the Virginia town of McKenney and attended the same Baptist Church. Like your author and his dear wife, Doug and Gloria have been married for more than fifty years.
While visiting together one Sunday morning after church Gloria and I were chatting when the subject of the next book of combat survivor stories came up. “When do you expect to complete the next book?” Gloria asked me.
“I am about half done with the thirty stories and hope to finish in the next six months or so”, I replied.
Gloria turned, looked in Douglas’ face, and said: “Honey, you really ought to tell Jerry your story. I know it is painful for you, but the kids and grandkids need to know what Papaw did in the war”.
Already knowing that Douglas did not want to relive his painful memories of combat service in Vietnam, I looked at Douglas who quietly said: “Jerry, when you have a chance, please stop by the house and I will share the stories I have been holding so long”.
That painful story of combat, fear of injury, and death, along with the heart-wrenching loss of a dear friend, is entitled, Humble Hero. It will appear in our next book: Angels on the Battlefield.
God Bless you both, Doug and Gloria. It is my privilege and honor to write your account.
If you know a veteran who would like to share their story with me for a future book, ask them to visit the contact page of my website or click the button below.
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You can also use the link below to order a signed copy of my first published book of combat survivor stories When Heaven Visits: dramatic accounts of military heroes. For a discount on your purchase, leave a review of the book on Amazon, take a screenshot of your review, and email it to combatsurvivorheroes@gmail.com.
Details of the two wonderful veteran causes we support can be found under the Resources page of the Combat Survivor Heroes website.
Cover Image: Douglas and Gloria. Above: Author, Jerry Barnes and wife Laura.