He walked over…
to our table, late on Lakefest Day, handed me a $20 and said, “keep the change. Been meaning to come by, just haven’t had the time till now. How long have you been writing these combat survivor stories? “
“About three years. I’ve written around 70 stories, published the book you are holding, and am getting book number two ready for publishing. Books three and four are in my phone—recordings of more stories I will be transcribing, writing, and publishing in the future. Am blessed to be involved in this work—and getting enough leads now to write for the rest of my life. There is a hunger out there among the veteran, active duty military, fire, rescue, and police communities to read these stories. That’s my target audience, about 20-30 million is my guess. It’s a good group, one totally committed to the veteran/veteran family sacrifice. If I may ask, what is the nature of your interest?”
“Funny you should ask. I am a contractor for Tunnel to Towers, which builds mortgage-free homes for disabled veterans and their families. You see their advertisements on TV quite a bit.”
“How about that? I imagine you may know some leads who may be willing to give me some stories?”
“With a wry smile, he wrote down his contact information, and slowly walked away, thumbing through the pages of my first book, When Heaven Visits.
It looks like the Good Lord has sent me a powerful lead for more interesting stories, perhaps enough for an entire book.
Do you think–Number 5?
Better get busy writing, as I am 75, heading to 76.
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Jerry’s second book, So Help Me God is being reviewed and edited for a late fall publishing. His third book of combat stories is to be published in the late fall of 2022 and will be entitled: Stories from the ‘Bone: B1B bomber.
If you are interested in a signed copy of our first published book of combat survivor stories, When Heaven Visits: dramatic accounts of military heroes, you can click the link below. For a discount on your purchase, leave a review of the book on Amazon, take a screenshot of your review, and email it to combatsurvivorheroes@gmail.com.
Details of the two wonderful veteran causes we support can be found on the Resources page of the Combat Survivor Heroes website.
Above: Logo for Tunnel to Towers