No! I can assure you…
she absolutely does not want me to write this blog or be the focus of any attention whatsoever! So, please don’t tell her. I’d rather take the heat after she sees it than give me “therapy” for a few days or more beforehand. Content to remain behind the scenes, she is an expert at critiquing my writing, and does so frequently! My favorite comment from her “writing therapy” is the following line.
“Jerry, did you pay any attention, whatsoever, during English class in college? You use improper tenses, and only get away with numerous misspelled words thanks to the spell check feature on your computer. You can come up with words, even spell check doesn’t know. What grade did you get in English?”
“I got a C and that was a gift from the teacher. Laura, I didn’t enjoy English. I enjoyed engineering classes, design classes, and the classes for my Engineering diploma. English and world history were required subjects thrown in to torment engineering students.
Besides, I knew I didn’t need to pay much attention, since I planned to marry someone who did pay attention in English. You did!”
She just smiles and walks away.
We have finished book 2, Angels on the Battlefield (naming one of the books was the only thing she asked for). I expect Angels, with its 30 stories, to publish in the fall of ’21.
If you enjoyed this blog, please like and share it with your friends on social media to help spread the word about Combat Survivor Heroes. *A portion of all book profits is donated to local veteran causes.
Be among the first 1,000 people to receive an advanced, signed copy of Angels on the Battlefield. You can contact me for details by clicking the button below.
If you are interested in a signed copy of our first published book of combat survivor stories, When Heaven Visits: dramatic accounts of military heroes, you can also click the link below. For a discount on your purchase, leave a review of the book on Amazon, take a screenshot of your review, and email it to combatsurvivorheroes@gmail.com.
*Details of the two wonderful veteran causes we support can be found under the Resources tab of the Combat Survivor Heroes website.
Top: Jerry and Laura hold his first book, When Heaven Visits. Above: Laura poses with an aircraft carrier.