Claude Saunders…
a gem to meet and listen to, this 93-year-old hero quietly shared his inspiring story of marine service in two combat zones. First, Claude served at Iwo Jima, arriving near the end of this bloody conflict and remaining with most of his marine company (about a hundred men) to clean up.
In our time together he said, “Jerry, it took months and months to gather up the discarded Japanese and American arms, and equipment after this battle. The abandoned arms were so extensive, it filled an entire Landing Vessel, over two hundred feet in length, to full and overflowing. We later took the ship to the Chinese Nationalists, then unloaded her, under constant duress, as Chinese communists fired on us”.
“From there, the Marine Corps sent me to Korea where I later fought in battles in and around the Pusan Reservoir during the early stages of the Korean War”.
Claude’s story will appear in our third book, to be published in 2022. For more information on future books, sign up for our Friends of the Author newsletter. We will be announcing some exciting contest giveaways and other promotions for the second book, Angels on the Battlefield.
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Details of the two wonderful veteran causes we support can be found under the Resources page of the Combat Survivor Heroes website.
Above: American hero, Claude Saunders