I am amazed…
at how some rewards come in life. Small acts of kindness are often are returned in wonderful ways. I recall taking a load of firewood to a couple last winter. The firewood had been sitting under our shed for several years, unused, doing no one any good. Then a social worker friend casually mentioned: “Jerry, do you know of anyone who has some firewood they would give to an older couple here in the neighborhood? I am sure they would be glad to pay for it.”
“Where do they live?”, I asked.
The following day, Saturday, I loaded up a truckload of wood and delivered it to the couple. It took me all of 45 minutes to give this act of kindness away and I was rewarded handsomely! When I finished unloading the wood, the gentlemen came out and tried to give me money. “I don’t want your money sir! I enjoyed seeing the smile on your face when I unloaded the wood”, I said.
“Well, thank you, sir” he replied. “My wife is very sick, and the only time she feels like getting out of bed is to sit by the fireplace when we have a fire going. It reminds her of how we spent so many nights together when we were younger”.
With tears in my eyes, I responded, “sir, it is my honor to help you!” Blubbering like a child, I drove away, tears still falling from my eyes, and already paid handsomely.
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Above: Jerry Barnes, Author of combat survivor stories