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by blistering machine gun fire near Quoin Loi, Vietnam, our platoon fought for their lives as I grabbed the radio to call in fire support.
Our commanding general roared overhead in his helicopter, hurling orders to units on the ground, dominating the net, making it virtually impossible for me to put through an urgent plea for artillery support.
Let me be brutally honest. In the midst of battle, combat will make one say things they would otherwise never dream of.
The general bellowed: “why doesn’t someone call in artillery support?”
“If you would get off the “bleeping net”, someone will, I frantically responded.
“Roger that”!
A few seconds later, artillery rounds from the good guys silenced Charlie. My radioman said: “Lieutenant, do you realized who you just yelled at?”
You can read the rest of this terrific story and learn how John, in seminary to become a priest, ended up in the Army. Simply, order our book: When Heaven Visits, dramatic accounts of military heroes from Amazon, or order a signed copy from me (Jerry Barnes, the author). Click the “contact us” button and select “purchase a signed copy” from the drop-down list in the subject line and I will send you the details. If you choose the Amazon route and provide an Amazon rating for the book, shoot me an email at combatsurvivorheroes@gmail.com and I will send you a $3.00 discount coupon for our next book, Angels on the Battlefield.
Above: Photo of John with a copy of When Heaven Visits, which includes his story.